The following list of those who died as a result of WW1 has been compiled using information taken from Ireland's Memorial Records: World War 1 1914-1918, military records held by the National Archives at Kew, The Commonwealth
War Graves Commission, contemporaneous newspapers and Irish War Memorials. Each has a connection with the Stillorgan, Dundrum or Blackrock area.
143 souls and counting........
This is by no means a definitive list and we would be grateful if you would let us know if you have any information on those listed below or names of those that we are missing.
Stillorgan, Kilmacud, Drummartin & Mount Merrion - 56 Souls
and counting
Lieut Robert Erskine Atwell born 26 Oct 1882 at 35 Strand Road, Sandymount son of Richard Atwell and
Margaretta Wright lived at Grove House and Glenart Avenue. He volunteered for active service in
1914 and joined the Lothian and Border Horse. He was killed in action at Neuve Eglise on the 2 Sep 1918
and was buried there. He is remembered on his grandmother Jane’s headstone in Mount Jerome. He is
also commemorated on The Standard Life memorial in Edinburgh.
2nd Lieut. Albert Erskine Carson Archer - resided at Beaufield, Stillorgan. Killed 9th February 1916 aged 19.
The son of Thomas and Emily Archer.
Gunner Benjamin Lawrence Birchall, No 76646 17th Div Ammunition, Royal Field Artillery, the son of
Benjamin Rhodes Birchall and Elizabeth Ann Birchall nee Brierley of Drummany, Stillorgan Park. He died
of wounds 11 May 1917 aged 23. He had been Assistant Superintendent of the Pearl Assurance Company.
Buried at Avesnes-Le-Comte Communal Cemetery Extension in France.
Private Alfred Henry Boyd (Harry) D Company (The Pals) 7 Battalion ROYAL DUBLIN FUSILIERS, resided
at Glensavage. He was killed 9th August 1915 aged 19. Son of William H and Daisy E Boyd of Glensavage.
Private Malachy Byrne No 7691 1st Battalion Irish Guards from Stillorgan. He died of wounds on the
11 Apr 1918 aged 36. He was the son of Edward Byrne and Margaret Scott of Kilmacud. He enlisted in
Dublin and is commemorated at the Etaples Military Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France.
Able Seaman James Byrne, No 204649 Battalion of Coronel, son of Johannah Byrne of Moores Tce, Dublin
Road Stillorgan. He served on the HMS Good Hope. Killed in action 1st November 1914, aged 30.
Acting Corporal Michael Carroll No 53051, Royal Army Medical Corps, son of Thomas and Bridget Carroll of
10 Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan. Died at sea 10th October 1918, aged 25. Possibly a victim of when the RMS
Leinster was torpedoed but not confirmed.
2nd Lieut. Thomas Augustus Carey Irish Guards 1st Batt., killed in action 17 May 1917 son of Thomas Stephen
Carey and Ellen Jones, Bellevue, Lower Kilmacud Road. Thomas was born 17 Nov 1883 at Overton, Dundrum.
Private Arthur Sidney Crawford born 28 Mar 1894 at Mount Merrion, Roebuck, County Dublin, was an
apprentice cabinet maker. He enlisted in the North Irish Horse at Belfast in Nov 1914. This was absorbed
into the 9th Battalion of the Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Private Crawford was killed in action between 21 and 28
March 1918 during the retreat from St Quentin in the German ‘Kaiserschlacht’ offensive. Having no known
grave, he is commemorated on the Pozieres Memorial at the Somme in France.
Leticia Harriett Crawford (Harry)(sister of Sidney Crawford). Eldest daughter of William Henry and Elizabeth of
Stillorgan Cottage Brewery Road, drowned on the RMS Leinster when it was torpedoed in the Irish
sea on the 10th October 1918, aged 34. Her memorial in St Brigid's Church has the insignia for 'On War Service
Lieut. Sydney Crawford drowned on the RMS Leinster when it was torpedoed in the Irish sea on the 10th
October 1918 aged 21. Son of William and Elizabeth Crawford, resided at Convalescent Home lodge,
Brewery Road. Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Buried at Kirkbean, Kirkcudbright, Scotland on 22nd November 1918. He
is remembered on a memorial at St Brigid's Church.
Lieutenant William Magee Crozier Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, 9th Battalion born 5 May 1873 at Seafield,
Stillorgan. William was a Barrister living at Avonmore, Stillorgan in 1901 with brother Francis. He was
reported missing, was hit twice before he reached the German wire, then he continued to advance gallantly
until he reached the first German trench. He was seen to try to take cover in a shell hole, after which no more
is known of his movements. William, a bachelor was reported Killed in Action on 1 Jul 1916 at Thiepval
Department de La Somme,
Lance Corp Charles William (Charlie) Darcus, son of Solomon & May Darcus born 21 Feb 1893 at Holywell
and baptised at Taney, joined the machine Gun Section of the 26th Battalion Canadian Infantry. He was Killed
in Action on 28 Aug 1918 Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France.
Private Edward Otway Davis, Canadian Infantry Battalion, son of the late Luke Davis and Mrs Davis, 4 Stillorgan
Park, County Dublin, died of wounds 11 Aug 1918.
Private David Davidson No 204649/20389 Killed in Action 23rd October 1916. Born in Stillorgan but enlisted
in Newtownmountkennedy, Co Wicklow. Brother of Miss K Davidson, Corkagh, Clondalkin, County Dublin.
Possibly David Octavius son of James & Elizabeth Davison of 5 Moore's Terrace, born 1 Dec 1893.
Private - John Joseph Downes No 9649 - 1St Battalion Royal Irish Rifles born 15 Dec 1890 at Farm Hill,
Dundrum enlisted under the name John Byrne. He was the son of Thomas Downes, a gardener and his wife
Rose Byrne. John's Will lists his mother Rose as beneficiary. He was killed in action on 9 May 1915 in France
and is remembered on the Ploegsteert Memorial in Belgium. His effects were sent to his mother at 6 O'Brien place.
Lance Corporal Thomas Downes No 5592 1st Battalion. ROYAL DUBLIN FUSILIERS – Born 15 Dec 1896 and
resided in Stillorgan from 1905. He was the son of William Downes, a market gardener at St Kevin’s Park and
Margaret Byrne from Avoca – Killed in Action 7th August 1915, Gallipoli.
Private Thomas Patrick Doyle No 43065 8th Royal Irish Fusiliers born in Stillorgan. Son of John and
Catherine Doyle of 13 Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan and husband of Margaret Byrne. Father of John, Tobias,
Sylvester & Ellen. Killed in Action 6th September 1916 aged 31 in France. and was buried at Serre Road
Cemetery, South of Arras, France.
Robert Drought, Glenart Ave, Stillorgan.
Francis Eric Farrell born 5 Jul 1890 at Rosehill, Blackrock on 5 Jul 1890 immigrated to Canada, enlisted and
was killed on 4 Sep 1918.
Second Lieutenant Owen Goodbody was born into a Quaker family on 5 November 1890, the eldest
son of Jonathan Goodbody, stockbroker, of Pembroke House, Blackrock and Ellen Pim. He graduated
BAI from Trinity College, in 1912 and worked for the Great Southern & Western Railway. He enlisted, in
Royal Engineers in November 1914 and ordered to the Dardanelles in June 1915. He contracted enteric
fever at Gallipoli in September 1915 and died on 20 October 1915. He was buried in the Chatby Military
and War Memorial Cemetery at Alexandria.
Apprentice Sydney George Hannam - Royal Naval Transport drowned at sea 10th February 1916 aged 17
by enemy action. He was a member of the Stillorgan Rover Scout Troop. He was born at Beckenham in Kent
in 1901, the son of Herbert Henry and Edith Hamman. He was living at 6 Willow Place, Booterstown with his
father, his stepmother Lily and his brother Leonard in 1911.
Lieutenant Eric Wallace Harris, Royal Garrison Artillery, only son of William Wallace Harris and Gertrude
May Harris of Chelmsford, Avoca Avenue born 1899, died of wounds received in action 4 Nov 1917 aged 18.
He was educated at Avoca School, Blackrock, and Trinity College, Dublin. He entered the Army from the O.T.C.
of his University, and went abroad on Christmas Day, 1916. He saw much active service, and was slightly
wounded in the arm. In April 1917 he was recommended for distinction for special acts of bravery on three
different occasions. A few weeks before his death he was offered his captaincy, but he preferred to remain
with his old battery. His commanding officer, writing to Lieutenant Harris's mother, expressed great regret at
his death, and said that he was dearly loved by all the men in his battery. His sister Doris Gertrude Harris
worked as a VAD in Blackrock.
Captain Arthur Benedict Edward Hillas born 17.10.1876 at Farm Hill, Dundrum baptised at Taney Church.
Arthur was a Asst. Inspector of Fisheries and late Captain of the Gordon Highlanders. He was the son of
Robert William Hillas and Alice Grant of Farm Hill and the grandson of the Rev John Grant, Rector of St
Brigid's, Stillorgan. Arthur late of Lower Fitzwilliam Street killed in action on 23.04.1917. Burial at Bailleul
Road East Cemetery, St. Laurent-Blangy. CWGC Cemetery/Memorial.
Major Dashwood William Harrington Humphreys, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Killed in action, 17 Feb 1917.
Basra Memorial, Iraq.
2nd Lieut Harold Gordon Jameson, Royal Engineers, born 11 Oct 1888, Corgrig Lodge, Foynes was killed in
action on 16 Aug 1915 at the Battle of Dardanelles - Suvla Bay, Gallipoli aged 26. He was son of Robert William
Jameson and Katherine Anne Luscombe and lived at Campfield in Drummartin.
Lieutenant Commander Arthur George Jameson born 30 Sep 1883 at Corgrig Lodge, Foynes, lived
at Campfield, Drummartin. He joined the Royal Navy in 1898 and married Isabel Laura Katherine
Pitman of Exmouth on 5 Aug 1908 at Devon. He was washed overboard from the submarine D2 on
23 Nov 1914. The submarine itself was lost two days later.
2nd Lieutenant Frederick Charles Patrick Joy, the son of Robert and Elizabeth Joy. He gave as his
address , Grove house, Stillorgan. RIF 3rd - Battalion attached 2nd Battalion. Enlisted 1914 in the
5th Battalion, Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Died 16th June 1915 aged 23.
Lieutenant Colonel Edmund James Jameson, DSO, died of wounds on March 27, aged 41. he was,
the eldest son of the late William Jameson, of Ardmore, Stillorgan. He was gazetted to the 14th
(King's) Hussars in 1897, and served through the South African War. In 1910 he resigned his commission
in the Hussars, and joined the Reserve (5th Leinster Regiment). In September, 1915, he went to Gallipoli
and was given command of a battalion of the Essex Regiment. In June, 1916, he received the RSO.
He married, in 1899, Rita, elder daughter of the late Mr D Twomey, of Kolor, Victoria, Australia.
Company Quartermaster Sergeant Patrick Kavanagh, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, son of Patrick and
Elizabeth Kavanagh of Ardlui, Newtown Park Avenue, died 21 Mar 1918 aged 26.
Private John Kearney - 9384. Born in Kilmacud 4 Jan 1894 to Philip and Esther Kearney . Enlisted
Dun Laoghaire Irish Guards, 4th Company, 2nd Battalion. Died (of wounds) 1st August 1917 aged 21
at Flanders. Memorial at Dozinghem Military Cemetery.
Private Charles Kenny - 7347. 1st Battalion, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, wounded in action at the Dardanelles,
reported missing since an engagement in August, 1915, discharged 15 Aug 1916. Died at the Workhouse,
Loughlinstown on 17 Feb 1918.
Private George William Lawder - A/36029 Canadian Light Trench Mortar Battery, born 17 Jan 1886
at Rathgar and lived at Dunstaffnagh, Stillorgan from 1886 to 1904 when his family moved to
Montpelier in Temple Hill. KIA 27 Sep 1918. Buried and Commemorated at Ontario Cemetery,
Sains-les-Marquion, Pas de Calais, France.
Capt Robert Ernest Lee – The Royal Army Medical Corps, son of Edward & Annie Lee The Grange
Stillorgan, drowned on the RMS Leinster when it was torpedoed in the Irish sea on the 10th
October 1918 aged 35.
Lieut Joseph Bagnall Lee 6th Battalion Royal Munster Fusiliers – Son of Edward and Annie Lee of
The Grange, Stillorgan 7th August 1915 aged 27.
Gunner Henry Lucas Royal Garrison Artillery, 39th Siege BatteryService Number 44330 was born
12 Sep 1881 and baptised at Stillorgan Church. Wounded at the battle of Lys, died at a casualty
clearing station on 9 May 1918. He is remembered on the memorial at Holy Trinity Church, Rathmines.
Private Edward McDonald No 5353, 7th Battalion, Royal Munster Fusiliers, son of Edward and Eliza
McDonald, of Kilmacud Cottages, Stillorgan, County Dublin. KIA 17th August 1915 in Gallipoli.
Private William Joseph Manning No 18865 D Company (The Pals) 7th Battalion Royal Dublin
Fusiliers – Born in Stillorgan, (more likely to be Kingstown) the son of Thomas James Manning and Mary
Manning. Formerly 13701 4th Hussars. KIA 3rd October 1916 aged 24 it the Balkans.
2nd Lieut Frederick Hamilton Norway, 2nd Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry died of wounds on 4 Jul 1915
in France aged 19. Elder son of Arthur Hamilton Norway, of South Hill, Mount Merrion Avenue, and was only
in his 19th year. He was educated at Rugby and subsequently entered Trinity College, but on the outbreak of
the war he at once volunteered and left for the front. Buried at Wimereux Communal Cemetery, Pas de
Calais France and he is remembered on a memorial tablet at St Thomas's, Foster Avenue.
Miss Frances McAree, a munitions worker died at Stillorgan Convalescence Home on 25 Apr 1918.
Able Seaman Richard McClatchie, son of Isabella McClatchie, Knockinsie, Stillorgan, County Dublin. Lost
his life on board HMS. Goliath at the Dardanelles on 13 May 1915.
Private Arthur Moran, No 2951, born 7 Sep 1883 son of Michael and Catherine Moran of Stillorgan.
Enlisted at the Curragh Camp 6th Battalion, Royal Munster Fusiliers. Died 29 Sep 1916 aged 36, Greek
Lance Corporal Arnold Wilson Moss No 14188 D Company (The Pals) 7th Battalion Royal Dublin
Fusiliers – Born at Ulster Terrace, Stillorgan on 15 Apr 1896 to Henry & Susan Moss. KIA Gallipoli
16th Aug 1915 aged 18.
Private Patrick Joseph Neil No 22953 B Company, 8th Battalion, 48th Brigade 16th Irish Division
(Kitchener’s Battalion of volunteers) Royal Dublin Fusiliers born 29 Jul 1889 at Newtown Park
Stillorgan to Thomas and Mary Neil. Killed in action 6th Sep 1916, Flanders. His Medal index
card states that he entered the theatre of war in France 20 Dec 1915 and it also states that he was
presumed dead on the 6 Sep 1916 as his body was never found or identified. He is commemorated
on the Thiepval Memorial.
Rifleman Edward Clement O’Reilly, 5592 – Born 28 Nov 1898 son of Michael and Alice O’Reilly, 4 Moore's
Terrace, Stillorgan. Enlisted Dublin, 1st Battalion, Royal Irish Rifles. Died of wounds, 29 Jul 1916 aged 17,
Captain William Oswald Halpin – The Laurels & Galloping Green. He was born circa 1887 in Co Dublin
the son of William Oswald Halpin and Anna Maria (Nannie) Burgess, of The Laurels, Torguay Road,
Foxrock. He was a medical student attending Trinity in 1911. He joined the Royal Army Medical Corps
and died of wounds on 10 Aug 1918 received in action near Caix in France. He was laid to rest in
Amien's Military Cemetery.
2nd Lieut. Walter Leslie Orr, 4th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles. The son of Mr F Harman Orr of Crosthwaith
Park and educated at Avoca school & Trinity. A member of the 3rd Dublin Scout Troop, Stillorgan.
KIA at Flanders aged 25 about the 25 Sep 1916.
C Piper of Stillorgan and the Royal Scots reported dead in June 1916.
Private Edmund Joseph Knight Roche No 15411 2nd Battalion C Company, Leinster Regiment . Born
2 Aug 1885 at Avonmore, Stillorgan, son of Thomas and Maria Teresa Roche. He was killed aged 22
during the fourth battle of Ypres on 28 Sep 1918.
Private Henry Telford, born 6 Oct 1877 at Seafield, Stillorgan Road enlisted with the Royal Dublin Fusiliers.
He was the son of the late Thomas Telford, and Susan Meape. He was killed in action on 1 May 1917.
Lieut Spenser Robert Valentine Travers 7th Batt. Royal Munster Fusiliers killed in action at the
Dardanelles. 'He is the third of his name to give his life in the service of his country. There are sixteen
members of his family in the fighting line, his brother, Lieut. A. S. Travers, being in the 7th Munsters. On
the day he met his death Lieut. Travers had kept his gun working on a communication trench all day
though under a hot fire the whole time, but at the close of the day he was hit and died soon afterwards.
His General and brother-officers in their letters to his relatives speak highly of Lieut. Travers' bravery and
devotion to duty'. The Travers lived at Janeville (Glenalbyn) from 1900 to 1904.
2nd Lieut. Edmund Arthur Trouton 3rd Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Killed 1 Jul 1916, Aged 25,
son of Edward Arthur Trouton, who lived at Eversham and The Grange, Stillorgan.
2nd Lieut. Walter Osborne Varian, Garnaville, Stillorgan killed 30 March 1918 aged 23, killed in action
at Le Hamel, Somme, France.
Capt. William Arthur Verschoyle, born 24 Sep 1889 at Carysfort Lodge, Stillorgan - 2nd Battalion Royal
Irish Rifles, killed 11 April 1917 aged 27. Remembered on the Verschoyle Memorial at Taney Church.
2nd Lieut. Francis Stuart Verschoyle, Royal Engineers. Born 9 Apr 1896 at Woodley Park House, the son of
William H F & Frances Verschoyle of Woodley Park House, Kilmacud Road, Dundrum. Educated at Castlepark,
Marlborough College & Trinity College killed Sunday 25th April 1915 aged 18 near Ypres. Remembered on the
Verschoyle Memorial at Taney Church and on the Castle Park, Dalkey and Trinity College Roll of Honour.
Company Sergeant-Major Mervyn James Williams, born 21 Jun 1882, son of John Williams and Eleanor Watts
of Grove Avenue, Stillorgan. 2nd Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, number 6584 Killed in Action in France on
16 May 1915, remembered on the Le Touret Memorial and S S Philip & James war memorial at Booterstown.
Fleet Surgeon Edward Copley Ward, Royal Navy married Eleanor Crowe of Melfield, Newtownpark Avenue.
He died 7 Aug 1917 at the Royal Naval Hospital in Chatham and was buried at Gillingham Cemetery.
Private Richard White No 6305, 2nd Battalion Royal Irish Rifles, enlisted Howth – Born at Newtown Park,
Stillorgan on 24 Mar 1899, son of John and Sarah White. Killed in action at Flanders 21 Aug 1918 aged 19.
Blackrock 55 Souls and Counting
Private Charles Andrews, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, son of Thomas and Mary Andrews of Blackrock, Co Dublin.
He died 1 Jul 1916 aged 43.
Corporal William Arnold, 10 Batt., Royal Dublin Fusiliers., son of Walter Arnold and Ellen Virtue Sanderson,
born 7 Feb 1895 killed in action, France on 13 Nov 1916. His sister Evelyn Maud Arnold was married at All
Saints, Blackrock where there is a plaque in his memory.
Lieutenant Maurice John Bagot born 18 Oct 1891 at Woodhurst, Orwell Road. He served on the HMS
Monmouth and was lost on 1 Nov 1914 in a naval fight at Coronel off the coast of Chili. He is remembered
on the Plymouth memorial and at East Grinstead parish church.
Sergeant Patrick William Berne, Canadian Infantry, son of Connor and B H Berne of 3 Montpelier Place,
Blackrock, died 9 Apr 1914 aged 29.
Major Edmund William Butler, MC, was with the 2nd Life Guards and died of wounds on 18 Apr 1918 aged
Second Lieutenant Leonard William Butler, Royal Irish Fusiliers killed in action 20 Nov 1917 aged 20.
Private Christopher Byrne, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, son of John and Elizabeth Byrne of Whelans Tce, Blackrock,
died 24 Apr 1914 aged 22.
Captain Joseph Cruess Callaghan, Royal Flying Corps was born 4 Mar 1893 at 1 Sloperton attended
Stonyhurst, Joseph attended the Royal Veterinary College of Ireland. He enlisted and served with the
Royal Munster Fusiliers. He transferred to the RFC in 1915. He was wounded in action 31 Jul 1916.
Joseph’s plane was shot down on 2 Jul 1918. His grave is at Contay British Cemetery.
2nd Lieutenant Eugene (Owen) Cruess Callaghan, Royal Flying Corps. Owen born 4 Dec 1897 at Sloperton
attended Belvedere and TCD. Owen was out on a bomb dropping mission on the Bois de Havringcourt when
he went missing on 27 Aug 1916 and was presumed dead ten months later aged 18. Owen is
commemorated at the Arras Flying Services Memorial at Pas de Calais in France.
Captain Stanislaus Cruess Callaghan, Royal Flying Corps born 14 Sep 1895 at Sloperton, Killiney son of
John Patrick Callangan and Croasdella Bolger. The family moved to Ferndene in Stradbrook circa 1914.
Stanislaus was killed in an aeroplane accident on 27 Jun 1917. His body was interred at St. Mary’s Roman
Catholic Cemetery in Barrie, Ontario.
Bombardier John James Carey, Royal Field Artillery born at 40 Georges Street, Blackrock to John Carey and
Isabella Fitzharris on 21 Oct 1894. He enlisted and served with the 37th Howitzer Battery. He died of wounds
19 Oct 1917 and was buried at the Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, Belgium.
Lance Corporal Michael Carey, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, son of James and Esther Carey of 4 Yankee Tce,
Newtown Park, Blackrock. died 15 Aug 1915 aged 18.
Major Alfred Hamilton Connell, Royal Scots Fusiliers, 2nd Battalion. Husband of Nancy Connell nee Hone of
Merville, Booterstown, Co Dublin. Killed in Action 28 Sep 1915 at Flanders, buried at Sailly-Labourse Communal
Cemetery in France.
Medical Officer Surgeon Captain Cecil Taylour Conyngham RAMC killed in action in Tanga whilst treating
the wounded on 4 Nov 1914.
Lieutenant Joseph Aloysius Couglan, Royal Engineers. Born 16 Jan 1896 at 17 Waltham Terrace to Denis
Coughlan and Louisa Kirwan. He attended Blackrock College and Dublin University. He passed into the Woolwich
Military Academy. He enlisted and served with the 228th Field Artillery. He was Killed in Action at Vooremezeele
on 20 Sep 1917 while involved in the constructing of a bridge for infantry advance in Belgium.
Private Arthur Sydney Crawford, Royal Irish Fusiliers, son of Hugh and Jane Crawford of Mount Merrion
Blackrock died Mar 1918 aged 23.
Sapper William Robert Crawford no 156938 born 20 Jan 1881 at Miltown Malbay, Co Clare, son of William
Robert Crawford., Manager of the National Bank at Miltown Malbay, Co Clare and Elizabeth Janet Louisa Ferrier.
His father died in 1889 and his mother died in 1892 and he was brought up by his widowed uncle Robert Ferrier
and his spinster aunt Isabel Ferrier at 4 Willow Terrace, Blackrock. William worked as a Whiskey Distiller's clerk
in Dublin and enlisted at Blackrock. William was with the Royal Engineers, Inland Water Transport section and
died at sea on the 4 May 1917. He was buried at grave III A 24 at the Mazargues War Cemetery, Marseilles in
France where many of the 413 lives lost when the British Transport ship Transylvania was torpedoed and sank
in the Mediterranean on the 4 Mar 1917 were also buried.
Sergeant Christopher Doyle, No 11539, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, service number, son of John Doyle and Mary
Heatley of Orchard Cottages, Newtown Park, Blackrock. Christopher was born at Newtown Park on
28 Mar 1895 and circa 1908 the family moved to Jolly's lane off the Kilmacud Road. Christopher was working
as a messenger in 1911 and was a member of the Fife and Drum Band of Newtown Park. He was reported
missing but later found to have killed in action (battle of the Somme) on 23 Oct 1916 aged 21. He is
commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial.
Private Edward Du Cros 54182, The King's (Liverpool Regiment)s on of Edward Pierre Du Cros and Frances
Hawkins of South Hill House born 22 Jul 1877 died 1 Jun 1919 from shell shock.
Private Michael Flynn, The Royal North Lancashire Regiment, son of Patrick and Rosanna Flynn
of 2 Sydney Place. He was killed in Action on 12 Nov 1914. He is remembered on Ypres (Menin Gate)
Memorial in Belgium.
Private Timothy M Finn, Irish Guards, 1st Battalion Killed in Action 27 Aug 1918 aged 36. Son of Mrs Ann
William Finn, of Fermoy, County Cork and husband of Elizabeth Finn of 9 Brusna Cottages, Blackrock. Mory
Street Military Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France.
William Geoghegan, nephew of Cornelia Stack of Newtown Park Avenue. Memorial plaque in All
Saints, Church.
Second Lieutenant William George Richard Geoghegan, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, son of William P and
Mary Elizabeth Geoghegan of The White House, Oakwood Avenue, Kent and Rockfield, Blackrock, Co Dublin.
Died 13 Apr 1917 aged 20. Memorial plaque at All Saints, Blackrock.
Lieutenant Edward Percival Harpur, Royal Irish Fusiliers, son of the Rev William & Mrs Harpur of Dalkey
and husband of Eileen Harpur of 3 Idrone Tce., Blackrock, died 11 Sep 1916 aged 25.
Lieutenant John Frederick Healy, Royal Irish Rifles, son of George F and Dorothea Healy of Peafield,
Blackrock, died 2 Jul 1916 aged 19.
Sgt Arthur Hubbard service no 8195 killed in action on 27 Apr 1915, worked at Newtown Park House.
Second Lieutenant John Henry Frederick Leland, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, eldest son of Henry and Laura
Leland of 6 Idrone Terrace, Blackrock. Killed in action 10 Aug 1915 aged 31 at Dardanelles He is remembered
on the Helles Memorial in Turkey.
Private Thomas Maher No 16540 2nd Battalion. Royal Irish Rifles – Born in Stillorgan died 30th Oct 1918
aged 26 at his home - 7 George's Place Blackrock and was buried at Deansgrange.
Private John Mahon, Irish Guards, son of James Mahon, deceased and Mrs Mary Mahon, of Newtown Park,
Blackrock, died 4 Nov 1918.
Private Alfred Masterson, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, son of Patrick and Bridget Masterson and husband of
Mary of 2 Collins's Court, Blackrock. Died 12 Sep 1917 aged 25.
Private Louis Joseph McDonnell, Royal Fusiliers, 2nd Battalion, Service No G/4708. Youngest son of James
and Margaret Mary McDonnell of Qui Si Sano, Blackrock, died 29 May 1917 aged 33 in France. His sister
Mrs Frances Rice-Malone, Qui Si Sano, Blackrock to get his personal effects.
Rifleman Joseph McCormack, Royal Irish Rifles, 7th Battalion, service No 7860, son of Mrs E McCormack,
Brookfield Place, Blackrock, died of wounds 30 Jul 1916 buried at Bethune Town Cemetery in France.
Lieutenant John Arthur Rice McCormick, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, son of T C McCormick of
Blackrock House, Blackrock. Died 5 Jun 1915 aged 26.
Captain John Hugh Gardiner McCormick, 4th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment (joined with the
2nd Battalion was born 4 Apr 1886 at Shandon, Monkstown son of Samuel Smith McCormick and
Isabella Marie Gardiner. He received his commission in 1906 and was promoted to captain on
19 Sep 1914 and posted to France later that year. He was reported wounded and missing on the
19 Oct 1914 but it was five months later before he parents got news that he had died that same day in a
German Hospital in Menin. He is commemorated on the British War Memorial at Menin Gate, Leper in
Belgium and on the Great War Memorial in Monkstown Church.
Lieutenant James Gardiner McCormick, 2nd Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment born 10 Apr 1894
at Shandon, Monkstown son of Samuel Smith McCormick and Isabella Marie Gardiner. He was
educated at Cheltenham College, Gloucestershire and entered entered Sandhurst Military College in
November 1912. He was Killed in Action 16 May 1915 in the battle Festubert aged 21 and is
commemorated on the Le Touret Memorial in France and on the Great War Memorial in Monkstown
Private Edward McGuirk born 8 Apr 1889 at Georges Avenue, Blackrock, son of Edward McGuirk and Mary
Anne David. Joined the 2nd Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Killed in action 12 Apr 1915 in Belgium.
Lieutenant Francis Sidney Mitchell, son of George & Annie Mitchell of Ardui, Blackrock. Killed on
active service on 15 Feb 1916 aged 26.
Private Myles McNally, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, born 16 Sep 1884 at Georges's Avenue, Blackrock, son of
James and Honor McNally of 23 Brookfield Buildings., Blackrock. He married Katherine Mahon in 1913.
Enlisted in Kingstown and served with the Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 8th Battalion. Killed in Action 8 Aug 1917
aged 32. Buried at Brandhoek New Cemetery, Belgium.
Private Patrick Murphy, Royal Irish Regiment, son of Thomas and Sarah Murphy, husband of Bridget
Murphy of 1 Sweetman's Avenue, Blackrock, died 9 Sep 1916 aged 34.
Second Lieutenant James Neville Herbert Murphy, 3rd Royal Dublin Fusiliers, only son of the late Rev
W A E Murphy, of Desertmartin, Co. Derry and Isabella C Murphy of 2 Waltham Terrace, Blackrock. He
was educated at St Columba's College, Rathfarnham, and when the war broke out was in Trinity College
studying Medicine. He went to the Front on 2 May 1915 and was killed in action aged 20 on 9 May 1915
near Ypres. Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial West-Vlaanderen Belgium.
Second Lieutenant William Charles Nesbitt, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, son of the late William and Jane
Nesbitt of Dove House, Blackrock, died 16 Aug 1915 aged 40 as Suvla Bay. He was late of St Mary's,
Booterstown Avenue, probate to his wife Mary.
Private Michael O'Grady, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, son of James and Annie O'Grady, husband of Mary O'Grady
of 31 Brookfield Terrace, Blackrock, died 16 Aug 1915 aged 40.
Able Seaman Patrick O'Brien, son of Michael and Annie O'Brien, Blackrock Co Dublin. Died
16 Jul 1918 aged 21.
Pte Gerald Aloysius O'Reilly born circa 1895 in Dublin enlisted in 1914 and served with the South Irish Horse.
He was the son of James O'Reilly and the late Margaret Vallely. He was wounded in 1917 and discharged in
1918 as he was physically unfit. He died 7 Aug 1919 at Rockville, Newtownpark Avenue Blackrock aged 24
and was buried at Glasnevin.
Private Norman Theodore Paterson born 31 Oct 1891 at Greenwood, Blackrock son of George James Paterson and
Rose Young. He emigrated to Canada in 1911 and married at Saskatchewan. He enlisted with 10th Battalion,
Canadian Infantry service Number 467432. He was killed 23 Sep 1916 and buried at Contay British Cemetery,
2nd Lieutenant Thomas Frood Perrin, Royal Irish Regiment son of Robert Perrin of Mervyn, 10 Proby Square and
Jane Forster Frood. He was born at Mountain View, Killiney Road on 24 Apr 1889. He attended Avoca School and
was an international Hockey player and gained his first cap for Ireland in 1910. He enlisted and served with Royal
Irish Regiment, 3rd BattalionThomas died 24 May 1920 aged 31 and was buried at Alexandria Military and War
Memorial Cemetery in Egypt.
Private Thomas Ryan, The Buffs - East Kent Regiment, son of Mary Ryan and husband of Josephine Ryan of 9
Kenny's Cottages, Sweetman's Avenue, Blackrock. Died of wounds 7 Aug 1918 aged 34 and was buried at Pernes
British Cemetery, France.
2nd Lieutenant Harold Alexander Sloan, a civil servant of Barbizon, Green Road, Blackrock enlisted and served
with the Royal Garrison Artillery, 198th Siege Battery, Heavy Corps. He played football for Bohemians and was
an international player for Ireland. Killed in Action 21 Jan 1917 at buried at Guards Cemetery, Combles, France.
Probate was granted to his widow, Mabel Sloan of Barbizon, Green Road, Blackrock.
Private Edward Willington Shelton, 15th Batt. and British Columbia Contingent, Canadian Expeditionary Force,
died of wounds at Rouen on 16 Jun 1915. Edward was born at Donnybrook to Deane Shelton & Emma Anne
Atkinson. He is found on the 1901 census living with his aunt at Avoca Avenue. Both his sisters were married
at All Saints Church, Blackrock and there is a plaque mounted in one of the windows in his memory.
Private Albert Edward Stokes, Royal Fusiliers, 2nd Batallion born 19 Sep 1898 at Charleville, Co Cork to Albert
Edward Stokes and Florence Elvery. His mother Florence lived at Grenagh, Avoca Avenue and his parents were
married at All Saints, Blackrock where there is a plaque mounted in one of the windows in his memory. Died of
wounds 14 Feb 1916 and buried at Chocques Military Cemetery in France.
Second Lieutenant Donald Seymore Smyth, Royal Irish Regiment, son of Edward Weber Smyth and
Elizabeth Anna Smyth of 56 Sydney Avenue, Blackrock. Died 19 Apr 1914 aged 26. Remembered on Le Touret
Memorial in France and at All Saints Blackrock.
Able bodied Seaman Christopher Frederick Edwards Tehan, Royal Navy, HMS Good Hope, killed in action off
Chile, 1 Nov 1914 aged 27. Born in Sussex to Arthur St Albyn & Florence Emma Tehan, the family moved to
Dublin. Arthur was the Nursery foreman for Oakley Park Nursery on Carysfort Avenue and they lived at Oakley
Park Lodge.
George Joseph Weldrick born at Idrone House, Blackrock, killed in action 3 Feb 1915.
Captain Hebert Stanley Wilson, Royal Garrison Artillery died of wounds on 13 May 1915 and was buried at Klein-Vierstraat British Cemetery, Belgium. He was born at Dunardagh, Blackrock son of George Orr Wilson and probate was granted to his brother William Percival Wilson and his brother in law Charles Broughton-Knight.
List of parishioners or friends/relatives of parishioners
from All Saints, Carysfort Avenue who served in WW1
Joseph Poulton, R.I. Rifles - Wounded, Prisoner of War
Christopher Frederick Tehan of Oakley Park Lodge, Blackrock, HMS Good Hope - Killed in Action
W Palmer Parkinson, Trooper - In hospital
S Norman Mitchell, Sub Lieut, RNVR.
Archibald Evans, Capt, RHA.
J Fullerton Evetts, Lieut, Cameronians.
Douglas Ferguson, Lieut, A&S Highlanders - Died of Wounds.
Lionel Rundall, Lieut, 1st Gurkhas - Killed in Action
Donald Seymour Smyth, Lieut, 1st R Irish - Wounded, Prisoner of War Killed in action 19 Oct 1914
Geoffrey Moore, Lieut, 8th R Irish - Missing
B G O’Rourke, Chaplain - Prisoner of War
John Harold Orchard, D. Rider, Q Westminsters. Killed in Action 1917
Charles Romney Sampson, Commander, RNFC.
Reginald Triggs, Lieut - Wounded
Robert Holmes, Major AVC.
Roland Trusboal?, Capt -Wounded
E Gilbert, 3rd - Wounded
John Heenan, Wireless Operator
Jeffrey Moore, Lieut - Missing
W Heath Eves, Lieut Paymaster
Walter Greer, RIR - Wounded
Groofser Whorton, 2nd Life Guards - Wounded
Drummond Farrington, 2nd Life Guards - Wounded
Private Priestland, N Staffords - Wounded
John Kennedy, Lieut Scottish Rifles - Killed in Action
John Pentland, 1st Dragoon Guards.
Venables Vernon, Major NS Wales LI.
Frederick Stephens, Surgeon Hospital Ship.
William R Semple, Driver, ASC.
Samuel Semple, Warrant Officer, RN.
Martin Meleady, Lance Corporal - Died of wounds
Bertram Lefroy, Capt Warwicks - Died of wounds
John Elvery Stokes, L Corporal 23rd RF.
Albert Edward Stokes, 23rd R Fusiliers - Died of wounds
Thomas Frood Perrin, Lieut Royal Irish - Wounded
Oliver Perrin, Gunner SAA.
T H Nesbitt, Lieut 22nd London Regt.
Arthur Waters,Capt ASC.
Charles Stewart Wallis, Lieut Commander RN.
Edgar Evetts, Capt.
James Thacker , Lieut ASC
Adrian Holt Smyth, Commander RN.
Strange Butson, Capt ASC.
E J B Gahan, Lieut ASC.
S S Martin, Corp. 16th Middlesex - Killed in Action
T L Martin, Lieut 4th Cheshire.
Temple Smyth, Lieut Col SAMS.
Edmund Mitchell, Lieut RAMC.
Rev C E Davis, CF.
W H Davis, Commander RNR.
E O Davis, Capt 54th CEF.
C L Davis, Major ASC.
H S W Bennington, Major ASC.
Vera Darley, VAD.
Cyril Dudgeon, Sub Lieut RNR.
Ralph Davis, Lieut Sherwoods.
Eric Davis, R Flying Corps.
Archibald Evetts, Lieut SA Regt
William Arnold, L Corporal, RDF - Killed in Action
Phyllis Dawes, VAD.
Sister Barclay, Army Nursing Service.
Arthur Evetts, Capt O&B Light Infantry.
Monsell Davis, Corporal.
William Coates,
Arthur Williams, Lieut 4th
DUNDRUM 32 Souls and Counting
Pte Michael Brady, Yorkshire Light Infantry, 15th Battalion. Son of Mr Michael Brady, O'Rourkes Cottages,
Windy Arbour, Dundrum, Killed in Action 18 Sep 1918, Le Grand Beaumart British Cemetery, France.
Pte Patrick Brady, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 1st battalion, son of the late Michael and Elizabeth Brady, of
Windy Arbour, Dundrum. His sister Mrs Hennessey, O'Rourke's Cottages, Windy Arbour. Killed in Action
on 19 Apr 1917, remembered on the Arras Memorial, France.
Private James Brennan, Lancers, Queen's Royal West Surrey regiment. Third son of Mr and Mrs Patrick
Brennan, Delbrook Park, Dundrum, died of wounds received in action 28 May 1917.
Pte Thomas Michael Brennan, Royal Army Medical Corps. Son of the late Michael and Elizabeth Brennan,
of Dundrum died at Sea on 10 Apr 1914 and was buried at Ste Marie Cemetery, Le Harve, France.
Pte John Byrne, Irish Guards, 1st Battalion. Son of John and Anne Byrne, of 291, Farranboley Cottages,
Dundrum. Killed in action 2 Nov 1914 Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium.
Second Lieutenant William Stewart Collen, No 42635 Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, son of Joseph and
Hannah Collen, of Homestead, Dundrum. Killed in Action died 7 Aug 1915 and buried
at Green Hill Cemetery, Turkey.
2nd Lieut Ambrose Joseph Stanislaus Davoren, Royal Field Artillery son of Richard and Ina of Friarsland,
Dundrum. Killed in Action in France on 18 Jul 1917 aged 27 and buried at Poperinghe Communal Cemetery,
Lieutenant Walter Wrixon De Rossiter, Canadian Infantry, 42nd Battalion. Son of Thomas Wrixon De
Rossiter and Annie De Rossiter, of Dundrum, County Dublin. Died 12 Oct 1917 and buried at Aubigny
Communal Cemetery Extension, France.
Pte John Finlan, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, B Company, 6th Battalion. Son of John and Catherine Finlan, of
268, Greenland Cottages, Windy Arbour, Dundrum. Killed in action 3 Oct 1916 in the Balkans and was
buried at Struma Military Cemetery, Greece.
Corp James Finney, Royal Army Medical Corps. Developed epithelioma of the tongue in November
1915 at Gibraltar and died a widower 16 Apr 1916 at the Rest Home for the Dying in Camden Row
aged 50 and was buried at Mount Jerome.
Pte Owen Michael Fleming, Leinster Regiment, 2nd Battalion. Born 28 Sep 1881 to John James Fleming
and Ann Dempsey at Rosemount, Dundrum. Reported missing on 18 Oct 1914, declared Killed in Action
20 Oct 1914 remembered on the Ploegsteert Memorial, Belgium.
Lance Sgt Aiden Frood, Royal Irish Fusiliers, 7th Battalion. Husband of Mrs S Flood, of 19 Woodbine
Terrace, Dundrum, died 18 Mar 1916 buried at Sailly-Labourse Communal Cemetery Extension, France.
Second Lieutenant Geoffrey Joseph Hewison, Royal Munster Fusiliers, killed in action in France while
leading a bombing attack, on the 15 Jul 1916. He was born at Enderly, Dundrum in 1895 the elder son
of the late Edward Francis Hewison.
Pte Pierce Keevan, Royal, Irish Fusiliers, 8th Battalion born at Holles Street on the 20 Aug 1898 to Pierce
Keevan and Teresa Smith of 8 Alexander Terrace, Rosemount, Dundrum. His brother Thomas was wounded
twice but survived the war. Pierce died of wounds on 12 Apr 1916 and was buried at Dud Corner Cemetery,
Lance Corp Thomas Kenny, Irish Guards, 1st Battalion. Son of Patrick Kenny, gardener of Herbert Hill Lodge
who had four sons enlisted with the colours. Thomas was reported missing 7 Nov 1914 and was declared
Killed in Action on 1 Nov 1914. Remembered at Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium.
Lieutenant L H St Aubyn King, King's Royal Rifle Corps. Born circa 1895 he was the eldest son of Mr L White
King, CSF of Roebuck. He married Geraldine, eldest sister of Lord Nethercliffe. Killed n action and remembered
at Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium.
Private William John Long, Royal, Inniskilling Fusiliers, 9th Battalion. Son of Isaac and Elizabeth Long, of 5
Pembroke Cottages, Dundrum. Killed in action 1 Jul 1916 buried Mill Road Cemetery, France.
Pte George Manon, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 1st Battalion. Only son of John and Annie Mahon, of 37 Ballawly
Cottages, Dundrum. Died of wounds 21 May 1918 buried at Cinq Rues British Cemetery, France.
Pte Michael McDonald, Royal Irish Fusiliers, 8th Battalion born Dundrum and husband of Mrs Julia McDonald,
Rourke Cottages, Windy Arbour, Killed in action 27 May 1916 buried at St Patrick's Cemetery, Loos, France.
Private Patrick Mahon, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 8th Battalion. His wife Margaret and children reside at Goatstown,
Dundrum. He was killed in Action on 14 Feb 1917 and buried at La Laiterie Military Cemetery, Belgium.
Private Christopher McManigan. Royal Irish Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Service No 4572 - Born Stillorgan, resided
Dundrum, enlisted Kilkenny. Killed in Action 5 Jul 1916 at Flanders. Effects sent to Mr B McManigan, Rosemount,
Dundrum. Remembered on the Thiepval Memorial, France.
Private James Murphy, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 1st Battalion. Son of the late A Murphy, DMP. of Dublin and
husband of Bridget Murphy of 12 Millmount Cottage, Dundrum Road.
Lance Corporal Michael John O'Neill service number 5541, Royal Irish Rifles son of Luke and Christina O'Neill
of Rosemount, Dundrum was killed 30 Apr 1918 in Palestine and is remembered at the Ramleh War Cemetery
in Israel.
Quartermaster Sergeant Frederick Palridge, Royal Engineers. Youngest Son of the late William and Mary
Paltridge, of Crownhill, Devon and husband of Mary Anne Paltridge, of 3 Alexandra Villas, Dundrum. Died
26 Dec 1919 buried at Plymouth (Efford) Cemetery, England.
Captain Wilfred Forman Poulter, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 8th Battalion. Son of Henry C Poulter, of St Brigid's,
Roebuck, Clonskeagh He was educated at St Mary's College, Dublin, and joined the “Pals” at the outbreak of
war. Wilfred lived at Woodfield, Roebuck, Dundrum. Invalided out from Salonika suffering from typhoid in
March 1916. Died of wounds 29 Nov 1917 buried at St Leger British Cemetery, France.
Captain Henry Chapman Poulter soldier number: 1427 was a captain in the 8th Battalion, Royal Dublin
Fusiliers. He died of wounds 29 Nov 1917 a the No 11 Field hospital at Fontaine-les-Croisille. He is
commemorated on St Leger British Cemetery, France.
Private Michael Paul Richardson, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 7th Battalion No 14784. He was the son of John
Paul and Ellen Richardson, of Pembroke Lodge, Dundrum. He was killed in action on 4 Sep 1915 buried at
Gallipoli and buried at Green Hill Cemetery, Turkey.
Private Thomas Ernest Saunders, New Zealand Expeditionary Force, Wellington Regiment, "B" Company. Son
of Mrs F A Saunders, of 1 Sydenham Place, Dundrum and the late J Saunders. Killed at Gallipoli 29 Apr 1915
and remembered at Lone Pine Memorial, Turkey.
2nd Lieut Richard Talbot Scallan Royal Garrison Artillery, .Labour Corps - Escort Officer. Son of Francis
Joseph and Marian Scallan, of Ludford Park, Dundrum. Killed 31May 1918 and buried at Talence Communal
Cemetery Extension, France.
Pte Harry K Sheill, Royal Army Service Corps, son of James Sheill, Kingston, Dundrum. Accidental death
28 Aug 1918, buried City of Paris Cemetery, France.
Lance Sgt Edward Joseph Timoney, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, 1st Battalion. Husband of Catherine Timoney
of 45 Churchtown Cottages, Dundrum. Died 17 Sep 1920, remembered at India Gate in India. and buried in
Malakand Cemetery.
2nd Lieut Isaac William Usher born 14 May 1896 at Laurel Lodge, Dundrum to Isaac William Usher, MD
of The Dispensary Dundrum and Rose Cecelia Alice Henrietta Myler killed in action at Memetz Wood on
4 Jul 1916 aged 20 and was buried at Dantzig Alley British Cemetery, Mametz, Somme, France.
©2013- 2025 St Brigid's Church, Stillorgan Parish
content by June Bow & Karen Poff
Sponsored by Sureskills
and counting
Lieut Robert Erskine Atwell born 26 Oct 1882 at 35 Strand Road, Sandymount son of Richard Atwell and
Margaretta Wright lived at Grove House and Glenart Avenue. He volunteered for active service in
1914 and joined the Lothian and Border Horse. He was killed in action at Neuve Eglise on the 2 Sep 1918
and was buried there. He is remembered on his grandmother Jane’s headstone in Mount Jerome. He is
also commemorated on The Standard Life memorial in Edinburgh.
2nd Lieut. Albert Erskine Carson Archer - resided at Beaufield, Stillorgan. Killed 9th February 1916 aged 19.
The son of Thomas and Emily Archer.
Gunner Benjamin Lawrence Birchall, No 76646 17th Div Ammunition, Royal Field Artillery, the son of
Benjamin Rhodes Birchall and Elizabeth Ann Birchall nee Brierley of Drummany, Stillorgan Park. He died
of wounds 11 May 1917 aged 23. He had been Assistant Superintendent of the Pearl Assurance Company.
Buried at Avesnes-Le-Comte Communal Cemetery Extension in France.
Private Alfred Henry Boyd (Harry) D Company (The Pals) 7 Battalion ROYAL DUBLIN FUSILIERS, resided
at Glensavage. He was killed 9th August 1915 aged 19. Son of William H and Daisy E Boyd of Glensavage.
Private Malachy Byrne No 7691 1st Battalion Irish Guards from Stillorgan. He died of wounds on the
11 Apr 1918 aged 36. He was the son of Edward Byrne and Margaret Scott of Kilmacud. He enlisted in
Dublin and is commemorated at the Etaples Military Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France.
Able Seaman James Byrne, No 204649 Battalion of Coronel, son of Johannah Byrne of Moores Tce, Dublin
Road Stillorgan. He served on the HMS Good Hope. Killed in action 1st November 1914, aged 30.
Acting Corporal Michael Carroll No 53051, Royal Army Medical Corps, son of Thomas and Bridget Carroll of
10 Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan. Died at sea 10th October 1918, aged 25. Possibly a victim of when the RMS
Leinster was torpedoed but not confirmed.
2nd Lieut. Thomas Augustus Carey Irish Guards 1st Batt., killed in action 17 May 1917 son of Thomas Stephen
Carey and Ellen Jones, Bellevue, Lower Kilmacud Road. Thomas was born 17 Nov 1883 at Overton, Dundrum.
Private Arthur Sidney Crawford born 28 Mar 1894 at Mount Merrion, Roebuck, County Dublin, was an
apprentice cabinet maker. He enlisted in the North Irish Horse at Belfast in Nov 1914. This was absorbed
into the 9th Battalion of the Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Private Crawford was killed in action between 21 and 28
March 1918 during the retreat from St Quentin in the German ‘Kaiserschlacht’ offensive. Having no known
grave, he is commemorated on the Pozieres Memorial at the Somme in France.
Leticia Harriett Crawford (Harry)(sister of Sidney Crawford). Eldest daughter of William Henry and Elizabeth of
Stillorgan Cottage Brewery Road, drowned on the RMS Leinster when it was torpedoed in the Irish
sea on the 10th October 1918, aged 34. Her memorial in St Brigid's Church has the insignia for 'On War Service
Lieut. Sydney Crawford drowned on the RMS Leinster when it was torpedoed in the Irish sea on the 10th
October 1918 aged 21. Son of William and Elizabeth Crawford, resided at Convalescent Home lodge,
Brewery Road. Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Buried at Kirkbean, Kirkcudbright, Scotland on 22nd November 1918. He
is remembered on a memorial at St Brigid's Church.
Lieutenant William Magee Crozier Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, 9th Battalion born 5 May 1873 at Seafield,
Stillorgan. William was a Barrister living at Avonmore, Stillorgan in 1901 with brother Francis. He was
reported missing, was hit twice before he reached the German wire, then he continued to advance gallantly
until he reached the first German trench. He was seen to try to take cover in a shell hole, after which no more
is known of his movements. William, a bachelor was reported Killed in Action on 1 Jul 1916 at Thiepval
Department de La Somme,
Lance Corp Charles William (Charlie) Darcus, son of Solomon & May Darcus born 21 Feb 1893 at Holywell
and baptised at Taney, joined the machine Gun Section of the 26th Battalion Canadian Infantry. He was Killed
in Action on 28 Aug 1918 Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France.
Private Edward Otway Davis, Canadian Infantry Battalion, son of the late Luke Davis and Mrs Davis, 4 Stillorgan
Park, County Dublin, died of wounds 11 Aug 1918.
Private David Davidson No 204649/20389 Killed in Action 23rd October 1916. Born in Stillorgan but enlisted
in Newtownmountkennedy, Co Wicklow. Brother of Miss K Davidson, Corkagh, Clondalkin, County Dublin.
Possibly David Octavius son of James & Elizabeth Davison of 5 Moore's Terrace, born 1 Dec 1893.
Private - John Joseph Downes No 9649 - 1St Battalion Royal Irish Rifles born 15 Dec 1890 at Farm Hill,
Dundrum enlisted under the name John Byrne. He was the son of Thomas Downes, a gardener and his wife
Rose Byrne. John's Will lists his mother Rose as beneficiary. He was killed in action on 9 May 1915 in France
and is remembered on the Ploegsteert Memorial in Belgium. His effects were sent to his mother at 6 O'Brien place.
Lance Corporal Thomas Downes No 5592 1st Battalion. ROYAL DUBLIN FUSILIERS – Born 15 Dec 1896 and
resided in Stillorgan from 1905. He was the son of William Downes, a market gardener at St Kevin’s Park and
Margaret Byrne from Avoca – Killed in Action 7th August 1915, Gallipoli.
Private Thomas Patrick Doyle No 43065 8th Royal Irish Fusiliers born in Stillorgan. Son of John and
Catherine Doyle of 13 Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan and husband of Margaret Byrne. Father of John, Tobias,
Sylvester & Ellen. Killed in Action 6th September 1916 aged 31 in France. and was buried at Serre Road
Cemetery, South of Arras, France.
Robert Drought, Glenart Ave, Stillorgan.
Francis Eric Farrell born 5 Jul 1890 at Rosehill, Blackrock on 5 Jul 1890 immigrated to Canada, enlisted and
was killed on 4 Sep 1918.
Second Lieutenant Owen Goodbody was born into a Quaker family on 5 November 1890, the eldest
son of Jonathan Goodbody, stockbroker, of Pembroke House, Blackrock and Ellen Pim. He graduated
BAI from Trinity College, in 1912 and worked for the Great Southern & Western Railway. He enlisted, in
Royal Engineers in November 1914 and ordered to the Dardanelles in June 1915. He contracted enteric
fever at Gallipoli in September 1915 and died on 20 October 1915. He was buried in the Chatby Military
and War Memorial Cemetery at Alexandria.
Apprentice Sydney George Hannam - Royal Naval Transport drowned at sea 10th February 1916 aged 17
by enemy action. He was a member of the Stillorgan Rover Scout Troop. He was born at Beckenham in Kent
in 1901, the son of Herbert Henry and Edith Hamman. He was living at 6 Willow Place, Booterstown with his
father, his stepmother Lily and his brother Leonard in 1911.
Lieutenant Eric Wallace Harris, Royal Garrison Artillery, only son of William Wallace Harris and Gertrude
May Harris of Chelmsford, Avoca Avenue born 1899, died of wounds received in action 4 Nov 1917 aged 18.
He was educated at Avoca School, Blackrock, and Trinity College, Dublin. He entered the Army from the O.T.C.
of his University, and went abroad on Christmas Day, 1916. He saw much active service, and was slightly
wounded in the arm. In April 1917 he was recommended for distinction for special acts of bravery on three
different occasions. A few weeks before his death he was offered his captaincy, but he preferred to remain
with his old battery. His commanding officer, writing to Lieutenant Harris's mother, expressed great regret at
his death, and said that he was dearly loved by all the men in his battery. His sister Doris Gertrude Harris
worked as a VAD in Blackrock.
Captain Arthur Benedict Edward Hillas born 17.10.1876 at Farm Hill, Dundrum baptised at Taney Church.
Arthur was a Asst. Inspector of Fisheries and late Captain of the Gordon Highlanders. He was the son of
Robert William Hillas and Alice Grant of Farm Hill and the grandson of the Rev John Grant, Rector of St
Brigid's, Stillorgan. Arthur late of Lower Fitzwilliam Street killed in action on 23.04.1917. Burial at Bailleul
Road East Cemetery, St. Laurent-Blangy. CWGC Cemetery/Memorial.
Major Dashwood William Harrington Humphreys, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Killed in action, 17 Feb 1917.
Basra Memorial, Iraq.
2nd Lieut Harold Gordon Jameson, Royal Engineers, born 11 Oct 1888, Corgrig Lodge, Foynes was killed in
action on 16 Aug 1915 at the Battle of Dardanelles - Suvla Bay, Gallipoli aged 26. He was son of Robert William
Jameson and Katherine Anne Luscombe and lived at Campfield in Drummartin.
Lieutenant Commander Arthur George Jameson born 30 Sep 1883 at Corgrig Lodge, Foynes, lived
at Campfield, Drummartin. He joined the Royal Navy in 1898 and married Isabel Laura Katherine
Pitman of Exmouth on 5 Aug 1908 at Devon. He was washed overboard from the submarine D2 on
23 Nov 1914. The submarine itself was lost two days later.
2nd Lieutenant Frederick Charles Patrick Joy, the son of Robert and Elizabeth Joy. He gave as his
address , Grove house, Stillorgan. RIF 3rd - Battalion attached 2nd Battalion. Enlisted 1914 in the
5th Battalion, Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Died 16th June 1915 aged 23.
Lieutenant Colonel Edmund James Jameson, DSO, died of wounds on March 27, aged 41. he was,
the eldest son of the late William Jameson, of Ardmore, Stillorgan. He was gazetted to the 14th
(King's) Hussars in 1897, and served through the South African War. In 1910 he resigned his commission
in the Hussars, and joined the Reserve (5th Leinster Regiment). In September, 1915, he went to Gallipoli
and was given command of a battalion of the Essex Regiment. In June, 1916, he received the RSO.
He married, in 1899, Rita, elder daughter of the late Mr D Twomey, of Kolor, Victoria, Australia.
Company Quartermaster Sergeant Patrick Kavanagh, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, son of Patrick and
Elizabeth Kavanagh of Ardlui, Newtown Park Avenue, died 21 Mar 1918 aged 26.
Private John Kearney - 9384. Born in Kilmacud 4 Jan 1894 to Philip and Esther Kearney . Enlisted
Dun Laoghaire Irish Guards, 4th Company, 2nd Battalion. Died (of wounds) 1st August 1917 aged 21
at Flanders. Memorial at Dozinghem Military Cemetery.
Private Charles Kenny - 7347. 1st Battalion, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, wounded in action at the Dardanelles,
reported missing since an engagement in August, 1915, discharged 15 Aug 1916. Died at the Workhouse,
Loughlinstown on 17 Feb 1918.
Private George William Lawder - A/36029 Canadian Light Trench Mortar Battery, born 17 Jan 1886
at Rathgar and lived at Dunstaffnagh, Stillorgan from 1886 to 1904 when his family moved to
Montpelier in Temple Hill. KIA 27 Sep 1918. Buried and Commemorated at Ontario Cemetery,
Sains-les-Marquion, Pas de Calais, France.
Capt Robert Ernest Lee – The Royal Army Medical Corps, son of Edward & Annie Lee The Grange
Stillorgan, drowned on the RMS Leinster when it was torpedoed in the Irish sea on the 10th
October 1918 aged 35.
Lieut Joseph Bagnall Lee 6th Battalion Royal Munster Fusiliers – Son of Edward and Annie Lee of
The Grange, Stillorgan 7th August 1915 aged 27.
Gunner Henry Lucas Royal Garrison Artillery, 39th Siege BatteryService Number 44330 was born
12 Sep 1881 and baptised at Stillorgan Church. Wounded at the battle of Lys, died at a casualty
clearing station on 9 May 1918. He is remembered on the memorial at Holy Trinity Church, Rathmines.
Private Edward McDonald No 5353, 7th Battalion, Royal Munster Fusiliers, son of Edward and Eliza
McDonald, of Kilmacud Cottages, Stillorgan, County Dublin. KIA 17th August 1915 in Gallipoli.
Private William Joseph Manning No 18865 D Company (The Pals) 7th Battalion Royal Dublin
Fusiliers – Born in Stillorgan, (more likely to be Kingstown) the son of Thomas James Manning and Mary
Manning. Formerly 13701 4th Hussars. KIA 3rd October 1916 aged 24 it the Balkans.
2nd Lieut Frederick Hamilton Norway, 2nd Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry died of wounds on 4 Jul 1915
in France aged 19. Elder son of Arthur Hamilton Norway, of South Hill, Mount Merrion Avenue, and was only
in his 19th year. He was educated at Rugby and subsequently entered Trinity College, but on the outbreak of
the war he at once volunteered and left for the front. Buried at Wimereux Communal Cemetery, Pas de
Calais France and he is remembered on a memorial tablet at St Thomas's, Foster Avenue.
Miss Frances McAree, a munitions worker died at Stillorgan Convalescence Home on 25 Apr 1918.
Able Seaman Richard McClatchie, son of Isabella McClatchie, Knockinsie, Stillorgan, County Dublin. Lost
his life on board HMS. Goliath at the Dardanelles on 13 May 1915.
Private Arthur Moran, No 2951, born 7 Sep 1883 son of Michael and Catherine Moran of Stillorgan.
Enlisted at the Curragh Camp 6th Battalion, Royal Munster Fusiliers. Died 29 Sep 1916 aged 36, Greek
Lance Corporal Arnold Wilson Moss No 14188 D Company (The Pals) 7th Battalion Royal Dublin
Fusiliers – Born at Ulster Terrace, Stillorgan on 15 Apr 1896 to Henry & Susan Moss. KIA Gallipoli
16th Aug 1915 aged 18.
Private Patrick Joseph Neil No 22953 B Company, 8th Battalion, 48th Brigade 16th Irish Division
(Kitchener’s Battalion of volunteers) Royal Dublin Fusiliers born 29 Jul 1889 at Newtown Park
Stillorgan to Thomas and Mary Neil. Killed in action 6th Sep 1916, Flanders. His Medal index
card states that he entered the theatre of war in France 20 Dec 1915 and it also states that he was
presumed dead on the 6 Sep 1916 as his body was never found or identified. He is commemorated
on the Thiepval Memorial.
Rifleman Edward Clement O’Reilly, 5592 – Born 28 Nov 1898 son of Michael and Alice O’Reilly, 4 Moore's
Terrace, Stillorgan. Enlisted Dublin, 1st Battalion, Royal Irish Rifles. Died of wounds, 29 Jul 1916 aged 17,
Captain William Oswald Halpin – The Laurels & Galloping Green. He was born circa 1887 in Co Dublin
the son of William Oswald Halpin and Anna Maria (Nannie) Burgess, of The Laurels, Torguay Road,
Foxrock. He was a medical student attending Trinity in 1911. He joined the Royal Army Medical Corps
and died of wounds on 10 Aug 1918 received in action near Caix in France. He was laid to rest in
Amien's Military Cemetery.
2nd Lieut. Walter Leslie Orr, 4th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles. The son of Mr F Harman Orr of Crosthwaith
Park and educated at Avoca school & Trinity. A member of the 3rd Dublin Scout Troop, Stillorgan.
KIA at Flanders aged 25 about the 25 Sep 1916.
C Piper of Stillorgan and the Royal Scots reported dead in June 1916.
Private Edmund Joseph Knight Roche No 15411 2nd Battalion C Company, Leinster Regiment . Born
2 Aug 1885 at Avonmore, Stillorgan, son of Thomas and Maria Teresa Roche. He was killed aged 22
during the fourth battle of Ypres on 28 Sep 1918.
Private Henry Telford, born 6 Oct 1877 at Seafield, Stillorgan Road enlisted with the Royal Dublin Fusiliers.
He was the son of the late Thomas Telford, and Susan Meape. He was killed in action on 1 May 1917.
Lieut Spenser Robert Valentine Travers 7th Batt. Royal Munster Fusiliers killed in action at the
Dardanelles. 'He is the third of his name to give his life in the service of his country. There are sixteen
members of his family in the fighting line, his brother, Lieut. A. S. Travers, being in the 7th Munsters. On
the day he met his death Lieut. Travers had kept his gun working on a communication trench all day
though under a hot fire the whole time, but at the close of the day he was hit and died soon afterwards.
His General and brother-officers in their letters to his relatives speak highly of Lieut. Travers' bravery and
devotion to duty'. The Travers lived at Janeville (Glenalbyn) from 1900 to 1904.
2nd Lieut. Edmund Arthur Trouton 3rd Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Killed 1 Jul 1916, Aged 25,
son of Edward Arthur Trouton, who lived at Eversham and The Grange, Stillorgan.
2nd Lieut. Walter Osborne Varian, Garnaville, Stillorgan killed 30 March 1918 aged 23, killed in action
at Le Hamel, Somme, France.
Capt. William Arthur Verschoyle, born 24 Sep 1889 at Carysfort Lodge, Stillorgan - 2nd Battalion Royal
Irish Rifles, killed 11 April 1917 aged 27. Remembered on the Verschoyle Memorial at Taney Church.
2nd Lieut. Francis Stuart Verschoyle, Royal Engineers. Born 9 Apr 1896 at Woodley Park House, the son of
William H F & Frances Verschoyle of Woodley Park House, Kilmacud Road, Dundrum. Educated at Castlepark,
Marlborough College & Trinity College killed Sunday 25th April 1915 aged 18 near Ypres. Remembered on the
Verschoyle Memorial at Taney Church and on the Castle Park, Dalkey and Trinity College Roll of Honour.
Company Sergeant-Major Mervyn James Williams, born 21 Jun 1882, son of John Williams and Eleanor Watts
of Grove Avenue, Stillorgan. 2nd Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, number 6584 Killed in Action in France on
16 May 1915, remembered on the Le Touret Memorial and S S Philip & James war memorial at Booterstown.
Fleet Surgeon Edward Copley Ward, Royal Navy married Eleanor Crowe of Melfield, Newtownpark Avenue.
He died 7 Aug 1917 at the Royal Naval Hospital in Chatham and was buried at Gillingham Cemetery.
Private Richard White No 6305, 2nd Battalion Royal Irish Rifles, enlisted Howth – Born at Newtown Park,
Stillorgan on 24 Mar 1899, son of John and Sarah White. Killed in action at Flanders 21 Aug 1918 aged 19.
Blackrock 55 Souls and Counting
Private Charles Andrews, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, son of Thomas and Mary Andrews of Blackrock, Co Dublin.
He died 1 Jul 1916 aged 43.
Corporal William Arnold, 10 Batt., Royal Dublin Fusiliers., son of Walter Arnold and Ellen Virtue Sanderson,
born 7 Feb 1895 killed in action, France on 13 Nov 1916. His sister Evelyn Maud Arnold was married at All
Saints, Blackrock where there is a plaque in his memory.
Lieutenant Maurice John Bagot born 18 Oct 1891 at Woodhurst, Orwell Road. He served on the HMS
Monmouth and was lost on 1 Nov 1914 in a naval fight at Coronel off the coast of Chili. He is remembered
on the Plymouth memorial and at East Grinstead parish church.
Sergeant Patrick William Berne, Canadian Infantry, son of Connor and B H Berne of 3 Montpelier Place,
Blackrock, died 9 Apr 1914 aged 29.
Major Edmund William Butler, MC, was with the 2nd Life Guards and died of wounds on 18 Apr 1918 aged
Second Lieutenant Leonard William Butler, Royal Irish Fusiliers killed in action 20 Nov 1917 aged 20.
Private Christopher Byrne, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, son of John and Elizabeth Byrne of Whelans Tce, Blackrock,
died 24 Apr 1914 aged 22.
Captain Joseph Cruess Callaghan, Royal Flying Corps was born 4 Mar 1893 at 1 Sloperton attended
Stonyhurst, Joseph attended the Royal Veterinary College of Ireland. He enlisted and served with the
Royal Munster Fusiliers. He transferred to the RFC in 1915. He was wounded in action 31 Jul 1916.
Joseph’s plane was shot down on 2 Jul 1918. His grave is at Contay British Cemetery.
2nd Lieutenant Eugene (Owen) Cruess Callaghan, Royal Flying Corps. Owen born 4 Dec 1897 at Sloperton
attended Belvedere and TCD. Owen was out on a bomb dropping mission on the Bois de Havringcourt when
he went missing on 27 Aug 1916 and was presumed dead ten months later aged 18. Owen is
commemorated at the Arras Flying Services Memorial at Pas de Calais in France.
Captain Stanislaus Cruess Callaghan, Royal Flying Corps born 14 Sep 1895 at Sloperton, Killiney son of
John Patrick Callangan and Croasdella Bolger. The family moved to Ferndene in Stradbrook circa 1914.
Stanislaus was killed in an aeroplane accident on 27 Jun 1917. His body was interred at St. Mary’s Roman
Catholic Cemetery in Barrie, Ontario.
Bombardier John James Carey, Royal Field Artillery born at 40 Georges Street, Blackrock to John Carey and
Isabella Fitzharris on 21 Oct 1894. He enlisted and served with the 37th Howitzer Battery. He died of wounds
19 Oct 1917 and was buried at the Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, Belgium.
Lance Corporal Michael Carey, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, son of James and Esther Carey of 4 Yankee Tce,
Newtown Park, Blackrock. died 15 Aug 1915 aged 18.
Major Alfred Hamilton Connell, Royal Scots Fusiliers, 2nd Battalion. Husband of Nancy Connell nee Hone of
Merville, Booterstown, Co Dublin. Killed in Action 28 Sep 1915 at Flanders, buried at Sailly-Labourse Communal
Cemetery in France.
Medical Officer Surgeon Captain Cecil Taylour Conyngham RAMC killed in action in Tanga whilst treating
the wounded on 4 Nov 1914.
Lieutenant Joseph Aloysius Couglan, Royal Engineers. Born 16 Jan 1896 at 17 Waltham Terrace to Denis
Coughlan and Louisa Kirwan. He attended Blackrock College and Dublin University. He passed into the Woolwich
Military Academy. He enlisted and served with the 228th Field Artillery. He was Killed in Action at Vooremezeele
on 20 Sep 1917 while involved in the constructing of a bridge for infantry advance in Belgium.
Private Arthur Sydney Crawford, Royal Irish Fusiliers, son of Hugh and Jane Crawford of Mount Merrion
Blackrock died Mar 1918 aged 23.
Sapper William Robert Crawford no 156938 born 20 Jan 1881 at Miltown Malbay, Co Clare, son of William
Robert Crawford., Manager of the National Bank at Miltown Malbay, Co Clare and Elizabeth Janet Louisa Ferrier.
His father died in 1889 and his mother died in 1892 and he was brought up by his widowed uncle Robert Ferrier
and his spinster aunt Isabel Ferrier at 4 Willow Terrace, Blackrock. William worked as a Whiskey Distiller's clerk
in Dublin and enlisted at Blackrock. William was with the Royal Engineers, Inland Water Transport section and
died at sea on the 4 May 1917. He was buried at grave III A 24 at the Mazargues War Cemetery, Marseilles in
France where many of the 413 lives lost when the British Transport ship Transylvania was torpedoed and sank
in the Mediterranean on the 4 Mar 1917 were also buried.
Sergeant Christopher Doyle, No 11539, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, service number, son of John Doyle and Mary
Heatley of Orchard Cottages, Newtown Park, Blackrock. Christopher was born at Newtown Park on
28 Mar 1895 and circa 1908 the family moved to Jolly's lane off the Kilmacud Road. Christopher was working
as a messenger in 1911 and was a member of the Fife and Drum Band of Newtown Park. He was reported
missing but later found to have killed in action (battle of the Somme) on 23 Oct 1916 aged 21. He is
commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial.
Private Edward Du Cros 54182, The King's (Liverpool Regiment)s on of Edward Pierre Du Cros and Frances
Hawkins of South Hill House born 22 Jul 1877 died 1 Jun 1919 from shell shock.
Private Michael Flynn, The Royal North Lancashire Regiment, son of Patrick and Rosanna Flynn
of 2 Sydney Place. He was killed in Action on 12 Nov 1914. He is remembered on Ypres (Menin Gate)
Memorial in Belgium.
Private Timothy M Finn, Irish Guards, 1st Battalion Killed in Action 27 Aug 1918 aged 36. Son of Mrs Ann
William Finn, of Fermoy, County Cork and husband of Elizabeth Finn of 9 Brusna Cottages, Blackrock. Mory
Street Military Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France.
William Geoghegan, nephew of Cornelia Stack of Newtown Park Avenue. Memorial plaque in All
Saints, Church.
Second Lieutenant William George Richard Geoghegan, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, son of William P and
Mary Elizabeth Geoghegan of The White House, Oakwood Avenue, Kent and Rockfield, Blackrock, Co Dublin.
Died 13 Apr 1917 aged 20. Memorial plaque at All Saints, Blackrock.
Lieutenant Edward Percival Harpur, Royal Irish Fusiliers, son of the Rev William & Mrs Harpur of Dalkey
and husband of Eileen Harpur of 3 Idrone Tce., Blackrock, died 11 Sep 1916 aged 25.
Lieutenant John Frederick Healy, Royal Irish Rifles, son of George F and Dorothea Healy of Peafield,
Blackrock, died 2 Jul 1916 aged 19.
Sgt Arthur Hubbard service no 8195 killed in action on 27 Apr 1915, worked at Newtown Park House.
Second Lieutenant John Henry Frederick Leland, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, eldest son of Henry and Laura
Leland of 6 Idrone Terrace, Blackrock. Killed in action 10 Aug 1915 aged 31 at Dardanelles He is remembered
on the Helles Memorial in Turkey.
Private Thomas Maher No 16540 2nd Battalion. Royal Irish Rifles – Born in Stillorgan died 30th Oct 1918
aged 26 at his home - 7 George's Place Blackrock and was buried at Deansgrange.
Private John Mahon, Irish Guards, son of James Mahon, deceased and Mrs Mary Mahon, of Newtown Park,
Blackrock, died 4 Nov 1918.
Private Alfred Masterson, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, son of Patrick and Bridget Masterson and husband of
Mary of 2 Collins's Court, Blackrock. Died 12 Sep 1917 aged 25.
Private Louis Joseph McDonnell, Royal Fusiliers, 2nd Battalion, Service No G/4708. Youngest son of James
and Margaret Mary McDonnell of Qui Si Sano, Blackrock, died 29 May 1917 aged 33 in France. His sister
Mrs Frances Rice-Malone, Qui Si Sano, Blackrock to get his personal effects.
Rifleman Joseph McCormack, Royal Irish Rifles, 7th Battalion, service No 7860, son of Mrs E McCormack,
Brookfield Place, Blackrock, died of wounds 30 Jul 1916 buried at Bethune Town Cemetery in France.
Lieutenant John Arthur Rice McCormick, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, son of T C McCormick of
Blackrock House, Blackrock. Died 5 Jun 1915 aged 26.
Captain John Hugh Gardiner McCormick, 4th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment (joined with the
2nd Battalion was born 4 Apr 1886 at Shandon, Monkstown son of Samuel Smith McCormick and
Isabella Marie Gardiner. He received his commission in 1906 and was promoted to captain on
19 Sep 1914 and posted to France later that year. He was reported wounded and missing on the
19 Oct 1914 but it was five months later before he parents got news that he had died that same day in a
German Hospital in Menin. He is commemorated on the British War Memorial at Menin Gate, Leper in
Belgium and on the Great War Memorial in Monkstown Church.
Lieutenant James Gardiner McCormick, 2nd Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment born 10 Apr 1894
at Shandon, Monkstown son of Samuel Smith McCormick and Isabella Marie Gardiner. He was
educated at Cheltenham College, Gloucestershire and entered entered Sandhurst Military College in
November 1912. He was Killed in Action 16 May 1915 in the battle Festubert aged 21 and is
commemorated on the Le Touret Memorial in France and on the Great War Memorial in Monkstown
Private Edward McGuirk born 8 Apr 1889 at Georges Avenue, Blackrock, son of Edward McGuirk and Mary
Anne David. Joined the 2nd Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Killed in action 12 Apr 1915 in Belgium.
Lieutenant Francis Sidney Mitchell, son of George & Annie Mitchell of Ardui, Blackrock. Killed on
active service on 15 Feb 1916 aged 26.
Private Myles McNally, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, born 16 Sep 1884 at Georges's Avenue, Blackrock, son of
James and Honor McNally of 23 Brookfield Buildings., Blackrock. He married Katherine Mahon in 1913.
Enlisted in Kingstown and served with the Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 8th Battalion. Killed in Action 8 Aug 1917
aged 32. Buried at Brandhoek New Cemetery, Belgium.
Private Patrick Murphy, Royal Irish Regiment, son of Thomas and Sarah Murphy, husband of Bridget
Murphy of 1 Sweetman's Avenue, Blackrock, died 9 Sep 1916 aged 34.
Second Lieutenant James Neville Herbert Murphy, 3rd Royal Dublin Fusiliers, only son of the late Rev
W A E Murphy, of Desertmartin, Co. Derry and Isabella C Murphy of 2 Waltham Terrace, Blackrock. He
was educated at St Columba's College, Rathfarnham, and when the war broke out was in Trinity College
studying Medicine. He went to the Front on 2 May 1915 and was killed in action aged 20 on 9 May 1915
near Ypres. Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial West-Vlaanderen Belgium.
Second Lieutenant William Charles Nesbitt, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, son of the late William and Jane
Nesbitt of Dove House, Blackrock, died 16 Aug 1915 aged 40 as Suvla Bay. He was late of St Mary's,
Booterstown Avenue, probate to his wife Mary.
Private Michael O'Grady, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, son of James and Annie O'Grady, husband of Mary O'Grady
of 31 Brookfield Terrace, Blackrock, died 16 Aug 1915 aged 40.
Able Seaman Patrick O'Brien, son of Michael and Annie O'Brien, Blackrock Co Dublin. Died
16 Jul 1918 aged 21.
Pte Gerald Aloysius O'Reilly born circa 1895 in Dublin enlisted in 1914 and served with the South Irish Horse.
He was the son of James O'Reilly and the late Margaret Vallely. He was wounded in 1917 and discharged in
1918 as he was physically unfit. He died 7 Aug 1919 at Rockville, Newtownpark Avenue Blackrock aged 24
and was buried at Glasnevin.
Private Norman Theodore Paterson born 31 Oct 1891 at Greenwood, Blackrock son of George James Paterson and
Rose Young. He emigrated to Canada in 1911 and married at Saskatchewan. He enlisted with 10th Battalion,
Canadian Infantry service Number 467432. He was killed 23 Sep 1916 and buried at Contay British Cemetery,
2nd Lieutenant Thomas Frood Perrin, Royal Irish Regiment son of Robert Perrin of Mervyn, 10 Proby Square and
Jane Forster Frood. He was born at Mountain View, Killiney Road on 24 Apr 1889. He attended Avoca School and
was an international Hockey player and gained his first cap for Ireland in 1910. He enlisted and served with Royal
Irish Regiment, 3rd BattalionThomas died 24 May 1920 aged 31 and was buried at Alexandria Military and War
Memorial Cemetery in Egypt.
Private Thomas Ryan, The Buffs - East Kent Regiment, son of Mary Ryan and husband of Josephine Ryan of 9
Kenny's Cottages, Sweetman's Avenue, Blackrock. Died of wounds 7 Aug 1918 aged 34 and was buried at Pernes
British Cemetery, France.
2nd Lieutenant Harold Alexander Sloan, a civil servant of Barbizon, Green Road, Blackrock enlisted and served
with the Royal Garrison Artillery, 198th Siege Battery, Heavy Corps. He played football for Bohemians and was
an international player for Ireland. Killed in Action 21 Jan 1917 at buried at Guards Cemetery, Combles, France.
Probate was granted to his widow, Mabel Sloan of Barbizon, Green Road, Blackrock.
Private Edward Willington Shelton, 15th Batt. and British Columbia Contingent, Canadian Expeditionary Force,
died of wounds at Rouen on 16 Jun 1915. Edward was born at Donnybrook to Deane Shelton & Emma Anne
Atkinson. He is found on the 1901 census living with his aunt at Avoca Avenue. Both his sisters were married
at All Saints Church, Blackrock and there is a plaque mounted in one of the windows in his memory.
Private Albert Edward Stokes, Royal Fusiliers, 2nd Batallion born 19 Sep 1898 at Charleville, Co Cork to Albert
Edward Stokes and Florence Elvery. His mother Florence lived at Grenagh, Avoca Avenue and his parents were
married at All Saints, Blackrock where there is a plaque mounted in one of the windows in his memory. Died of
wounds 14 Feb 1916 and buried at Chocques Military Cemetery in France.
Second Lieutenant Donald Seymore Smyth, Royal Irish Regiment, son of Edward Weber Smyth and
Elizabeth Anna Smyth of 56 Sydney Avenue, Blackrock. Died 19 Apr 1914 aged 26. Remembered on Le Touret
Memorial in France and at All Saints Blackrock.
Able bodied Seaman Christopher Frederick Edwards Tehan, Royal Navy, HMS Good Hope, killed in action off
Chile, 1 Nov 1914 aged 27. Born in Sussex to Arthur St Albyn & Florence Emma Tehan, the family moved to
Dublin. Arthur was the Nursery foreman for Oakley Park Nursery on Carysfort Avenue and they lived at Oakley
Park Lodge.
George Joseph Weldrick born at Idrone House, Blackrock, killed in action 3 Feb 1915.
Captain Hebert Stanley Wilson, Royal Garrison Artillery died of wounds on 13 May 1915 and was buried at Klein-Vierstraat British Cemetery, Belgium. He was born at Dunardagh, Blackrock son of George Orr Wilson and probate was granted to his brother William Percival Wilson and his brother in law Charles Broughton-Knight.
List of parishioners or friends/relatives of parishioners
from All Saints, Carysfort Avenue who served in WW1
Joseph Poulton, R.I. Rifles - Wounded, Prisoner of War
Christopher Frederick Tehan of Oakley Park Lodge, Blackrock, HMS Good Hope - Killed in Action
W Palmer Parkinson, Trooper - In hospital
S Norman Mitchell, Sub Lieut, RNVR.
Archibald Evans, Capt, RHA.
J Fullerton Evetts, Lieut, Cameronians.
Douglas Ferguson, Lieut, A&S Highlanders - Died of Wounds.
Lionel Rundall, Lieut, 1st Gurkhas - Killed in Action
Donald Seymour Smyth, Lieut, 1st R Irish - Wounded, Prisoner of War Killed in action 19 Oct 1914
Geoffrey Moore, Lieut, 8th R Irish - Missing
B G O’Rourke, Chaplain - Prisoner of War
John Harold Orchard, D. Rider, Q Westminsters. Killed in Action 1917
Charles Romney Sampson, Commander, RNFC.
Reginald Triggs, Lieut - Wounded
Robert Holmes, Major AVC.
Roland Trusboal?, Capt -Wounded
E Gilbert, 3rd - Wounded
John Heenan, Wireless Operator
Jeffrey Moore, Lieut - Missing
W Heath Eves, Lieut Paymaster
Walter Greer, RIR - Wounded
Groofser Whorton, 2nd Life Guards - Wounded
Drummond Farrington, 2nd Life Guards - Wounded
Private Priestland, N Staffords - Wounded
John Kennedy, Lieut Scottish Rifles - Killed in Action
John Pentland, 1st Dragoon Guards.
Venables Vernon, Major NS Wales LI.
Frederick Stephens, Surgeon Hospital Ship.
William R Semple, Driver, ASC.
Samuel Semple, Warrant Officer, RN.
Martin Meleady, Lance Corporal - Died of wounds
Bertram Lefroy, Capt Warwicks - Died of wounds
John Elvery Stokes, L Corporal 23rd RF.
Albert Edward Stokes, 23rd R Fusiliers - Died of wounds
Thomas Frood Perrin, Lieut Royal Irish - Wounded
Oliver Perrin, Gunner SAA.
T H Nesbitt, Lieut 22nd London Regt.
Arthur Waters,Capt ASC.
Charles Stewart Wallis, Lieut Commander RN.
Edgar Evetts, Capt.
James Thacker , Lieut ASC
Adrian Holt Smyth, Commander RN.
Strange Butson, Capt ASC.
E J B Gahan, Lieut ASC.
S S Martin, Corp. 16th Middlesex - Killed in Action
T L Martin, Lieut 4th Cheshire.
Temple Smyth, Lieut Col SAMS.
Edmund Mitchell, Lieut RAMC.
Rev C E Davis, CF.
W H Davis, Commander RNR.
E O Davis, Capt 54th CEF.
C L Davis, Major ASC.
H S W Bennington, Major ASC.
Vera Darley, VAD.
Cyril Dudgeon, Sub Lieut RNR.
Ralph Davis, Lieut Sherwoods.
Eric Davis, R Flying Corps.
Archibald Evetts, Lieut SA Regt
William Arnold, L Corporal, RDF - Killed in Action
Phyllis Dawes, VAD.
Sister Barclay, Army Nursing Service.
Arthur Evetts, Capt O&B Light Infantry.
Monsell Davis, Corporal.
William Coates,
Arthur Williams, Lieut 4th
DUNDRUM 32 Souls and Counting
Pte Michael Brady, Yorkshire Light Infantry, 15th Battalion. Son of Mr Michael Brady, O'Rourkes Cottages,
Windy Arbour, Dundrum, Killed in Action 18 Sep 1918, Le Grand Beaumart British Cemetery, France.
Pte Patrick Brady, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 1st battalion, son of the late Michael and Elizabeth Brady, of
Windy Arbour, Dundrum. His sister Mrs Hennessey, O'Rourke's Cottages, Windy Arbour. Killed in Action
on 19 Apr 1917, remembered on the Arras Memorial, France.
Private James Brennan, Lancers, Queen's Royal West Surrey regiment. Third son of Mr and Mrs Patrick
Brennan, Delbrook Park, Dundrum, died of wounds received in action 28 May 1917.
Pte Thomas Michael Brennan, Royal Army Medical Corps. Son of the late Michael and Elizabeth Brennan,
of Dundrum died at Sea on 10 Apr 1914 and was buried at Ste Marie Cemetery, Le Harve, France.
Pte John Byrne, Irish Guards, 1st Battalion. Son of John and Anne Byrne, of 291, Farranboley Cottages,
Dundrum. Killed in action 2 Nov 1914 Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium.
Second Lieutenant William Stewart Collen, No 42635 Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, son of Joseph and
Hannah Collen, of Homestead, Dundrum. Killed in Action died 7 Aug 1915 and buried
at Green Hill Cemetery, Turkey.
2nd Lieut Ambrose Joseph Stanislaus Davoren, Royal Field Artillery son of Richard and Ina of Friarsland,
Dundrum. Killed in Action in France on 18 Jul 1917 aged 27 and buried at Poperinghe Communal Cemetery,
Lieutenant Walter Wrixon De Rossiter, Canadian Infantry, 42nd Battalion. Son of Thomas Wrixon De
Rossiter and Annie De Rossiter, of Dundrum, County Dublin. Died 12 Oct 1917 and buried at Aubigny
Communal Cemetery Extension, France.
Pte John Finlan, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, B Company, 6th Battalion. Son of John and Catherine Finlan, of
268, Greenland Cottages, Windy Arbour, Dundrum. Killed in action 3 Oct 1916 in the Balkans and was
buried at Struma Military Cemetery, Greece.
Corp James Finney, Royal Army Medical Corps. Developed epithelioma of the tongue in November
1915 at Gibraltar and died a widower 16 Apr 1916 at the Rest Home for the Dying in Camden Row
aged 50 and was buried at Mount Jerome.
Pte Owen Michael Fleming, Leinster Regiment, 2nd Battalion. Born 28 Sep 1881 to John James Fleming
and Ann Dempsey at Rosemount, Dundrum. Reported missing on 18 Oct 1914, declared Killed in Action
20 Oct 1914 remembered on the Ploegsteert Memorial, Belgium.
Lance Sgt Aiden Frood, Royal Irish Fusiliers, 7th Battalion. Husband of Mrs S Flood, of 19 Woodbine
Terrace, Dundrum, died 18 Mar 1916 buried at Sailly-Labourse Communal Cemetery Extension, France.
Second Lieutenant Geoffrey Joseph Hewison, Royal Munster Fusiliers, killed in action in France while
leading a bombing attack, on the 15 Jul 1916. He was born at Enderly, Dundrum in 1895 the elder son
of the late Edward Francis Hewison.
Pte Pierce Keevan, Royal, Irish Fusiliers, 8th Battalion born at Holles Street on the 20 Aug 1898 to Pierce
Keevan and Teresa Smith of 8 Alexander Terrace, Rosemount, Dundrum. His brother Thomas was wounded
twice but survived the war. Pierce died of wounds on 12 Apr 1916 and was buried at Dud Corner Cemetery,
Lance Corp Thomas Kenny, Irish Guards, 1st Battalion. Son of Patrick Kenny, gardener of Herbert Hill Lodge
who had four sons enlisted with the colours. Thomas was reported missing 7 Nov 1914 and was declared
Killed in Action on 1 Nov 1914. Remembered at Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium.
Lieutenant L H St Aubyn King, King's Royal Rifle Corps. Born circa 1895 he was the eldest son of Mr L White
King, CSF of Roebuck. He married Geraldine, eldest sister of Lord Nethercliffe. Killed n action and remembered
at Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium.
Private William John Long, Royal, Inniskilling Fusiliers, 9th Battalion. Son of Isaac and Elizabeth Long, of 5
Pembroke Cottages, Dundrum. Killed in action 1 Jul 1916 buried Mill Road Cemetery, France.
Pte George Manon, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 1st Battalion. Only son of John and Annie Mahon, of 37 Ballawly
Cottages, Dundrum. Died of wounds 21 May 1918 buried at Cinq Rues British Cemetery, France.
Pte Michael McDonald, Royal Irish Fusiliers, 8th Battalion born Dundrum and husband of Mrs Julia McDonald,
Rourke Cottages, Windy Arbour, Killed in action 27 May 1916 buried at St Patrick's Cemetery, Loos, France.
Private Patrick Mahon, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 8th Battalion. His wife Margaret and children reside at Goatstown,
Dundrum. He was killed in Action on 14 Feb 1917 and buried at La Laiterie Military Cemetery, Belgium.
Private Christopher McManigan. Royal Irish Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Service No 4572 - Born Stillorgan, resided
Dundrum, enlisted Kilkenny. Killed in Action 5 Jul 1916 at Flanders. Effects sent to Mr B McManigan, Rosemount,
Dundrum. Remembered on the Thiepval Memorial, France.
Private James Murphy, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 1st Battalion. Son of the late A Murphy, DMP. of Dublin and
husband of Bridget Murphy of 12 Millmount Cottage, Dundrum Road.
Lance Corporal Michael John O'Neill service number 5541, Royal Irish Rifles son of Luke and Christina O'Neill
of Rosemount, Dundrum was killed 30 Apr 1918 in Palestine and is remembered at the Ramleh War Cemetery
in Israel.
Quartermaster Sergeant Frederick Palridge, Royal Engineers. Youngest Son of the late William and Mary
Paltridge, of Crownhill, Devon and husband of Mary Anne Paltridge, of 3 Alexandra Villas, Dundrum. Died
26 Dec 1919 buried at Plymouth (Efford) Cemetery, England.
Captain Wilfred Forman Poulter, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 8th Battalion. Son of Henry C Poulter, of St Brigid's,
Roebuck, Clonskeagh He was educated at St Mary's College, Dublin, and joined the “Pals” at the outbreak of
war. Wilfred lived at Woodfield, Roebuck, Dundrum. Invalided out from Salonika suffering from typhoid in
March 1916. Died of wounds 29 Nov 1917 buried at St Leger British Cemetery, France.
Captain Henry Chapman Poulter soldier number: 1427 was a captain in the 8th Battalion, Royal Dublin
Fusiliers. He died of wounds 29 Nov 1917 a the No 11 Field hospital at Fontaine-les-Croisille. He is
commemorated on St Leger British Cemetery, France.
Private Michael Paul Richardson, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 7th Battalion No 14784. He was the son of John
Paul and Ellen Richardson, of Pembroke Lodge, Dundrum. He was killed in action on 4 Sep 1915 buried at
Gallipoli and buried at Green Hill Cemetery, Turkey.
Private Thomas Ernest Saunders, New Zealand Expeditionary Force, Wellington Regiment, "B" Company. Son
of Mrs F A Saunders, of 1 Sydenham Place, Dundrum and the late J Saunders. Killed at Gallipoli 29 Apr 1915
and remembered at Lone Pine Memorial, Turkey.
2nd Lieut Richard Talbot Scallan Royal Garrison Artillery, .Labour Corps - Escort Officer. Son of Francis
Joseph and Marian Scallan, of Ludford Park, Dundrum. Killed 31May 1918 and buried at Talence Communal
Cemetery Extension, France.
Pte Harry K Sheill, Royal Army Service Corps, son of James Sheill, Kingston, Dundrum. Accidental death
28 Aug 1918, buried City of Paris Cemetery, France.
Lance Sgt Edward Joseph Timoney, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, 1st Battalion. Husband of Catherine Timoney
of 45 Churchtown Cottages, Dundrum. Died 17 Sep 1920, remembered at India Gate in India. and buried in
Malakand Cemetery.
2nd Lieut Isaac William Usher born 14 May 1896 at Laurel Lodge, Dundrum to Isaac William Usher, MD
of The Dispensary Dundrum and Rose Cecelia Alice Henrietta Myler killed in action at Memetz Wood on
4 Jul 1916 aged 20 and was buried at Dantzig Alley British Cemetery, Mametz, Somme, France.
©2013- 2025 St Brigid's Church, Stillorgan Parish
content by June Bow & Karen Poff
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